
David Griffith (old)

Azstec LLC
President, CEO
[email protected]

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David Griffith is the CEO for Azstec and is involved in security issues of customers and is active within the industry and also writes the Azstec security blog on a regular basis. He has over thirty years of experience managing high technology software and hardware businesses. Griffith was previously president and CEO of three startup companies; two with successful exits and one with continuing operations. He was also Vice President of Operations for a public robotics manufacturer and was responsible for engineering and operations. Griffith has also built, from the ground up, a seventy five million dollar multi-channel sales, service, and logistics operation. He has prepared private companies for public offerings, raised capital for startups, and has experience in mergers/acquisitions and turnarounds. Griffith has a BSME from California Polytechnic University.

About Us: Azstec LLC is a US company that was founded on the principle of helping businesses and individuals move, store and protect their confidential and sensitive information no matter where it is or whose hands it’s in. Our products were designed by users, like you, who needed to solve the problem of protecting their confidential information and were frustrated with the confusing and complex solutions on the market.